Friday, May 22, 2015

Conor McGregor Comments On Gay Rights

Ireland has the chance on Friday to become the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage through a popular vote. If the referendum passes, it will become part of the constitution, making gay marriage legal throughout the Emerald Isle.

McGregor says the issue was brought up to him by his head coach John Kavanaugh. When McGregor really started to think about it, the UFC's top contender at 145 pounds realized it was a no brainer to support the vote for equality.

"My coach is really big in protesting for it and he was explaining it to me. We all deserve equal rights. We are all human beings at the end of the day, regardless of color, gender, sexuality, that's all meaningless, we're all human. We all deserve the same rights so it just feels right to me," McGregor told FOX Sports on Thursday.

"There's a big vote coming up and I can put something out and it can reach a lot of people so I decided that it was the right thing to do. My whole team done it with me. We are proud to support that."

Polls from Ireland show the popular vote is currently trending towards marriage equality becoming law, but that could all change if enough people don't get out and let their voices be heard.

McGregor hopes when he goes to bed on Friday after the vote in Ireland is complete that his country will have a new law in place that gives everybody there the right to get married regardless of who they choose to marry.

"It's a huge day. I hope (it passes), we will see," McGregor said. "I just hope people get up and vote. If I was there I would get up and vote, but I am not in Dublin at the moment. I hope it does (pass). The support for the yes vote has been phenomenal."

The historic vote almost seems archaic to McGregor, who doesn't understand why this really should be an issue in the first place.

He supports marriage equality just like he supports equality for everybody around the world and he's not sure why anyone would be against it.

"It's Stone Age shit," McGregor said. "It's a new age. It's time to get with it."

This story is reprinted from Fox Sports & Damon Martin