Matt Hughes is in the MMA headlines again as his own relatives have sought and been granted, restraining orders against the former UFC Welterweight Champion.
Audra Hughes claimed Matt choked her in the shower when she would not give him the keys to his truck, and then demanded the code to his gun safe which she refused to give him. Matt then allegedly smashed her head against the shower wall saying, "This is what choking is!" She has also stated that Matt struck her in front of their children after taking his phone because, "He was communicating with multiple women."
Audra has filed for divorce in Illinois.
Matt's twin brother Mark Hughes has also filed for a restraining order as Matt assaulted his 15-year-old son during a dispute over a tractor. Mark also believes Matt soaked the ground around said tractor in gasoline in an attempt to destroy it.
Now, a lot has been said of the recent allegations against Mr. Hughes and excuses made in the form of TBI (traumatic brain injury). Matt was hit by a train in 2017 in either a botched suicide attempt as some in the MMA community have surmised, or just trying to beat the locomotive. While the effects of TBI do lead to rage and frustration, it should also be noted that Matt has been an insufferable cunt his entire life and a complete hypocrite as a supposed Christian.
What is surprising, is that most of the evidence against Hughes, stems from his own autobiography from 2008, Made In America: The Most Dominant Champion In UFC History. Laughable title aside, Matt cannot help (with the aid of a ghost writer) but incriminate himself time and time again by sharing stories that paint him as a horrible human being incapable of being the Christian his image attempts to portray.
"Big Sexy" Sean McCorkle raised the warning bells 10 years ago but we were all to deaf, or shocked to believe. The former UFC Heavyweight did his own review of Matt's book which is a necessary recap of Hughes' lifelong mistreatment of family, friends, and strangers.
Be warned, this is a disgusting read about a revolting human being.
"I just bought a copy of Matt Hughes book, and am in 3 chapters already. It is borderline unbelievable. I figured from all the FRAT postings that not everyone on the UG is a big reader, so I'm doing you all a favour. I'm reading it for you and providing a synopsis, chapter by chapter. As astounding as some of this sounds, everything I post is actually in the book." said McCorkle in the MMA Junkie forum where he posted his review.
Summary of Matt Hughes' Autobiography by Sean McCorkle
Chapter 2
Matt talks about how he and Mark virtually hated each other in jr. high, and high school. He also talks about how he was better, and smarter than Mark at everything.
Chapter 3
Mark and Matt's father has the balls to scold Mark for riding a motorcycle without a helmet. Without letting him finish, the Hughes brothers, physically attack their father, and beat the shit out of him, finally showing him who's boss. Later Mark threatens to throw his mom out of a window or something like that when she's stupid enough to correct him. Not surprisingly the family splits up.
Chapter 4
Matt cheats his way through college getting A's in classes he proudly says he never attended. He and the other wrestlers bully everybody at Lincoln Junior College, and break a bunch of shit. They tip over people's cars, and flood the dorms on purpose. We reach a new low, when he also makes light of the fact that one of his college buddies could not read or write.
Later it gets even more disturbing when he describes mutilating a live baby piglet by cutting off it's testicles, and throwing them at a friend. For good measure he slits it's stomach open as it screams wildly to "freak his friend out." After he and Mark brutally torture and kill a dozen or so baby pigs, solely for entertainment, they starts throwing their testicles and body parts at each other. Matt even now still seems amused because his friend looked like he was going to vomit.
A family member shoots himself over a girl, and Matt skips the funeral decided to go to a wrestling meet instead. After getting drunk one night they take a bunch of girls "swimming" in some sort of pond/rain water/sewer runoff. There is a whirlpool that's formed in the sewage pond, and Matt and 2 other drunk college kids get caught in the current. Matt pulls himself out but the 2 other kids drowned. He talks about how God saved him. (Apparently God hated the other 2 drunk college kids.)
They feel so sorry for the 2 kids that died, that the same night the go out and get drunk again, and look for girls. They end up at a house party, and are having no luck with the girls, so they started eating food from the cabinets and refrigerator. * When confronted by the home's owner, they throw him through a window, and leave before the cops get there. Matt then starts fighting MMA and kicking every one's ass easily. Pat Miletich refs one of Matt's fights, and is so impressed he invites him to train with them.
On a side note, for a guy who's disgusted by the language Matt Serra uses, I've counted 14 curse words to this point in the book.
I forgot in Chapter 4, him and Mark both make-out with the same 8th grade girl while they are in college! Why he would include that I have no idea. It had nothing to do with the story.
Chapter 5
The end of the chapter starts picking up momentum when at Mark's wedding, the boys snub their dad, not allowing him in the family photos. Later, after getting completely plastered they beat the shit out of their new in-laws at the wedding reception, and the entire event turns into what Matt calls "A Battle Royal."
Chapter 7
* He finished the chapter by divulging that he likes to eat at Hooters, and he knocked up the gym skank, who he describes as having "nice boobs, even though they were fake" and "her hips were a little too wide for his taste." Apparently not to wide to impregnate.
Chapter 8
Matt starts this chapter by sexually assaulting the aforementioned 8th grader, who's now 21, in public at a grocery store. Or "Smacking her on the ass" as he called it. Matt notices that her body is "tighter" now that she's grown up, and not the same 13 year old he'd made out with in college! For some reason Matt immediately tells her that he knocked his girlfriend up, and seems utterly outraged that she has decided she's keeping the baby.
After making it back to her parents house he again begins fondling her on the couch by reaching through a hole in her jeans. He goes on to describe how he noticed she didn't shave her legs that day. (At this point I started to wonder if I mistakenly was reading Penthouse Forum or something.)
Also, at the end of the chapter the victim of his sexual assault, for some reason I can't begin to fathom, breaks up with him.
Chapter 9
This chapter tells a story about how Tim Sylvia approached Matt like a man, and asked Matt why he had a problem with him when no one else at Miletich does. Matt then goes on to describe the look on Tim's face when Tim who was hoping to bury the hatchet, gets told that he's lazy, not a team player, and Matt didn't like him. Matt takes joy in the fact that he knew exactly how he was treating Tim, and Tim was hoping he'd apologize or something.
Tim, obviously crushed says that Matt has always been one of his heroes, and he'd do anything to be his friend. Matt then tells him he's got enough friends, and that Tim can't buy acceptance by following his team mates around to UFCs when he's not invited.
He ends the chapter in typical fashion talking about his sexual assault victim waiting for him to get home from Europe one night, sitting in a car outside his house. He takes that opportunity to let us all know he wouldn't see her that night because he was "too busy spending the night in someone else's bed."
Come to find out, * the victim sitting in the car would later become his wife. I bet she loved the fact that he included that little tid bit in his book.
Chapter 10
He then talks about his ex-victim deciding to get breast implants in the plastic surgery mecca of the U.S., Cedar Rapids. She wanted to know if Matt would stay with her for a day after her surgery because she would be highly medicated. * Matt agreed and took full advantage of a still very groggy patient and had sex with her THE DAY AFTER HER SURGERY, which unfortunately "tore some stitches."
Chapter 12
We now find Matt at an orphanage in Mexico helping out as a missionary. After some prodding, he becomes a Christian in Mexico, and returns home a few days later. He immediately starts lecturing his wife, who for some reason he now calls "Mom" even when they're alone, about her language and her spiritual life. She's not having it, and starts bringing up all of the girls he slept with in the past. (Something he still seems to be just a little proud of.)
Chapter 13
This motherfucker is out of his mind!
For some reason he still calls his wife/victim "mom." Dana (White) calls and wants him to coach TUF 2. Matt tells "mom" he's unsure about being away from her for 6 weeks, because he doesn't want to end up like Randy Couture, and leave his long time wife for someone he met while filming TUF.
He also takes time to tell us that everything about Randy Couture "radiated decency....except for his actions." What the hell is going on here?
He also tells Dana that he WILL NOT CUSS on the show. He will apparently do it in his book though.
He next proceeds to forget his 6 year old step son is with him at the TUF training facility, and drives away leaving him there for over an hour.
Later while training at MFS, some young fighter from TUF who is now training at Miletich has the nerve to come up and talk to him after practice like they're on the same level. Hughes is completely pissed that this nobody thinks he is worthy to talk to him, but because he's a Christian he's decides he must be nice to the kid.
Chapter 15
Not long after the birth a Mom is again hospitalized when she is feeling sick, and that's when the details get a little sketchy and the story takes a strange turn. * Without explaining clearly why, Matt claims to have jumped on top of his wife while she was laying in the hospital bed recovering, and she forcefully pushed him off. He fell backward and hit his head on a table, and was momentarily dazed, almost knocked out. What is it with surgery and sex with this guy?
Wow, Sean McCorkle did the good work!
Make no mistake about it, Matt Hughes has lived a life as a bully who seems to have a penchant for abusing women whether they are adults or not! This guy is a sick fuck and let's not beat around the bush, rumors in the MMA community say the train accident was a botched suicide attempt. True or not, MMAFO wishes now the train had been successful. We have long championed Matt and his MMA work but never again! We are horrified by Hughes' own words and deeds.
Fuck Matt Hughes and may he spend the rest of his days in pain and misery. A fitting end for a scumbag for tortured others his entire life.
* Are added by MMAFO to bring your attention to these horrific crimes. Spelling and punctuation errors were also fixed.
LOL Spelling and punctation errors were not all fixed. Learn the difference between "it's" and "its", as well as "to" and "too", for example
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