Ken Shamrock came out and threw a right hand that dropped the super-fat Grizzly and then transitioned into a fight ending armbar. Ken then called out Tank Abbott for a fight 15 years in the making saying, "I'm gonna end his career."
Tank Abbott earlier in the night threw 1 punch and it looked to me like Mike Bourke took a slap to the back of the head and then a dive for a payout. Lame, but it does set up the whole point of this event, that Tank Abbott vs Ken Shamrock with both finally coming off a win!!
A lot of fights on the card didn't happen but your winners are Josh Haynes, Mike Moreno, Isaac de Jesus, Rick Reeves, Jen Tate, Zoila, and TBA. By the way I am 2-0 when I pick the TBA fighter and went 6-1 for the whole event. The show looked like it was put together by 7 year olds and is never worthy of watching again (wasn't worth it the 1st time for that matter). Enjoy STD day tomorrow!
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