Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Fedor Emelianenko Is The G.O.A.T. & Anderson Silva IS A Cheater!

After the embarrassing debacle by Anderson Silva in front of the Nevada Athletic Commission over his multiple failed drug tests, can there be any doubt that Fedor Emelianenko is the Greatest of All Time?! 

The "Spider" sauntered in front of the NSAC claiming first that he did not take any performance enhancing drugs. Then, the failed tests were from tainted supplements. And finally, and most ridiculous of all, that a tainted "form of Cialis" had caused his most embarrassing fall from grace that he got in Thailand, "from a friend." From a friend in Thailand! Silva's lawyer Michael Alonso could not produce any paperwork or evidence to back up these claims and the long awaited "expert witness" was none other than Paul Scott who worked with, ahem, Lance Armstrong. The NSAC tore apart this "expert" witness. That's three moronic excuses none of which were believed by the NSAC or MMA fans. 

Silva tested positive for Drostanolone (a steroid), Methylandrostane (a steroid), Oxazepam (used for anti-anxiety), and Temazepam (for sleep deprivation) in a pre-fight screening on January 9th. Both the A and B samples tested positive. Then on February 11, Anderson tested positive again for Drostanolone after the fight with Nick Diaz at UFC 183. Silva was fined $380,000, suspended for a year, and had his bout overturned to a No Contest. 

MMAFO said we would reserve judgement until all the facts had come in and that time is now. Sad to say, and it breaks our hearts, but Anderson Silva is a cheater. Plain and simple. Silva should be ashamed of himself and his "legacy" has absolutely been tarnished forever.

And yet, a gleam of hope still stands strong on the horizon as "The Last Emperor," Fedor Emelianenko, has never, we repeat, NEVER, failed a drug test and reigned for almost a decade! Emelianenko is the G.O.A.T. people, and that issue, is no longer up for debate.


Anonymous said...

didn't know he took all that stuff. :(

Anonymous said...

Feydor was always the best.

Anonymous said...

bas rutton is the best