Saturday, May 21, 2016

Venator FC 3 Results: Palhares & Mayhem Fail In Glorious Fashion!

Main Card Results:

Action! Upsets! Champions! Boobies! Venator FC 3 has it all!

Emil Weber Meek Upset Rousimar Palhares with a brutal barrage of elbows & punches to become the new Venator Welterweight Champion!

A Viking strode to the cage, battle axe in hand, bringing the spirits of Valhalla with him. The Valhalla Army were in attendance and not to be denied!

The notorious Brazilian cheater shot for a single-leg takedown (as always) but Meek sprawled against the cage and reigned down a barrage of elbows. Rousimar’s body went limp for a moment as Emil continued the assault switching to punches and forcing the referee to halt the fight! MMA Gods be praised, what an Upset! A bit of justice was served to villainous Palhares who complained about the stoppage and then promptly staggered unable to stand. Meek roared around the cage in celebration as stein's of ale were shared by all in attendance. 

* Rousimar is cunt of a human being and it was great to see him fail so hard after refusing to abide by the suspension handed down to him by the athletic commission for his most recent transgressions. Fuck him. Fuck him with Tito Ortiz's giant head.

* Congratulations to Emil "Valhalla" Meek who has now soared into the MMA stratosphere!

Luke Barnatt TKO'd Stefan Croitoru with mercy stoppage at 2:32 of the 2nd round to retain his Venator Middleweight Championship.

Poor Croitoru was outmatched and undersized from the get-go. Stefan shot and shot for the takedown time and again as Barnatt stuffed the attempts and made him pay with strikes and superior grappling. Croitoru was exhausted by the 2nd frame and could barely stand forcing the referee to step in before something bad happened.

* Luke then took the mic to call Jason Miller a “fat wanker,” which was great and then to issue a challenge crowing “Alessio Sakara is a pussy!” Interesting to see if he is heard by the "Legionarius." 

Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou KO’d Matt Hamill via strikes just 0:37 into the 1st round.

Matt didn’t seem to be listening to his corner at the bout began (oooooh c’mon!) overhand right, two uppercuts, and a right temple shot and Hamill was destroyed! RTS is only 32? We thought he was 50! 

* Interesting that Sokoudjou had to have his gloves re-taped cage side as the referee (good eye by the way stripe) noticed he did not have the red corner ribbon on his mitts.

Marvin Vettori submitted Igot Araujo at 1:13 of the 1st round by Rd.1 Guillotine submission.

The Brazilian “Jeremy Horn” took a flying knee to the chin immediately and was clinging to life thereafter. The much larger Vettori latched onto a guillotine but deftly felt that he didn’t have the proper position, so he returned to the feet only to overpower Igot back to the mat to secure the submission forcing the tap.

Mattia Schiavolin Upset Jason Miller via rear-naked choke at 3:10 of the 2nd round.

Let’s not skip past the fact that this bum, “Mayhem” Miller, came in 24 lbs. over the scheduled Middleweight limit! That is unacceptable. Then, Jason signed at a 207 lb. catchweight because officials were unsure that he could make Light Heavyweight. If all of this, plus his myriad of past run-ins with the law and insanity weren’t enough, Middleweight Mattia stepped up on a days notice for the bout. 

The 1st round didn’t have a ton of action as the men took turns grappling against the cage in the clinch. Miller secured a late takedown to win the uneventful opening round.

The 2nd began with Schiavolin throwing an awful high kick and getting taken down for his effort. Once the men were back up, "Mayhem" tried to punch his way into Mattia but simply fell down against the fence. Miller was wildly waving his head around easily allowing Schiavolin to sink his left arm under Jason's neck. Miller tried to posture up but the momentum caused him to collapse backwards with Mattia holding the choke tightly and "Mayhem" was forced to submit! 

* Dear God that was glorious. The look of absolute shock on the idiotic face of "Mayhem" was priceless. Mattia actually made a ton of mistakes in this fight and was still able to defeat the hapless Miller despite being a much smaller fighter. Wonderful. Just a great result!

Karl Amoussou TKO’d Giovanni Melillo with a head kick and strikes at 4:51 of the opening round.

The “Psycho” came out with blistering leg kicks and Melillo wanted none of it circling away and very reticent to engage. Amoussou continued to stalk his prey hitting a slick Judo trip though Giovanni got back to his feet. Karl landed some hard strikes and as Melillo retreated he caught a high kick to the face that dropped him to the canvas. Karl followed up with the coffin nails and that’s a wrap folks.

* Amoussou was on a mission and had a message for the MMA world writing the letters U-F-C into the air.

Jack Hermansson TKO’d Ireneusz Cholewa via strikes at 1:05 of the 3rd round.

“Joker” Jack’s jab was on point and landed at will as he busted open the nose of Ireneusz and swelled his left brow. From there, Hermansson continued to gain momentum landing the jab as Cholewa’s face became the proverbial crimson mass. Punishment and more until Jack finally put Ireneusz away.

Cody McKenzie submitted Valeriu Mircea via McKenzietine choke at 1:30 of the 2nd round.

Cody continues to do that thang he do tapping fools with the patented McKenzietine. Cody broke a 5 fight losing streak but the goober has game. And by game we mean look at his fucking wife! Jesus how did he pull that off? Mad props to the mad fisherman.

Che Mills versus Terry Montgomery was declared a No Contest due to an illegal elbow in the very 1st round.

Post Party Notes:

What’s with all the Korn entrance music? We felt like we time warped back 15 years!

“Bigslow” came out to the Beatles “Come Together.” Much respect to Barnatt. 

Cody McKenzie’s wife got a lot of air time this evening and we appreciate that.

Nobody watching the live stream could hear the post fight interviews. That’s bush league stuff Venator. 

The camera man was very smart focusing on all the beautiful Betty’s in the Milan crowd. They grow em good in Italy. 

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