Saturday, October 22, 2016

The CORRUPT Nevada State Athletic Commission

Is there any governing body in sports today more corrupt than the Nevada State Atheltic Commission? The NSAC is responsible for the licensing of MMA, boxing, and their judges and referees. Any score, decision, or result that comes out of a fight within Nevada is under the NSAC's jurisdiction. 

Their decisions, or lack thereof on outcomes for controversial bouts (see Leonard Garcia vs. Nam Phan 2010) lack of ethics, whether on inept judging, terrible reffing, or failed drug tests have become a more than a nuisance to the sports. As a result, the Commission’s has sullied the reputation of combat sports as they continue to manipulate their "rules" and levy their ridiculous fines. 

Time and time again, the NSAC have failed to adjudicate fairly and nothing ever gets done about it. There have been no improvements. There is no transparency in their decisions. They are simply God over combat sports in their land without reproach. 

It doesn't matter if they fine Conor McGregor for $175,000 for throwing water bottles and then back off when the heat on their insane penalty garnered too much press. 

Or if they give Wanderlei Silva a lifetime ban for skipping a drug test (though he has never had a PED violation in his career) until a Nevada district court judge ordered them to re-hear the case, calling their sanctions "in excess of the statutory authority of the agency."

Nick Diaz is perhaps the greatest case of corruption as the NSAC in their infinite wisdom suspended 209's finest for 5 years and a $165,000 fine, for a small amount of marijuana metabolites which isn't even performance enhancing. It was simply a way to stick it to Diaz who has verbally challenged their power. The NSAC could not even prove when the metabolites were in his system because they only used a simple and ineffective urine test. All of this is crazy but consider that Nick's opponent that evening, Anderson Silva, tested positive for temazepem, oxazepem, and benzodiazepines, but was only given a 1 year ban. 

Brock Lesnar doesn't have to go through 4 months of PED screening prior to a bout after which he tested positive for hydroxy-clomiphene. 

Floyd Mayweather Jr. is allowed to commit domestic violence (multiple times), battery, felony coercion, felony theft, robbery, and harassment to children while the NSAC looks the other way pretending not to know.

The NSAC does as it pleases at the expense of hard working fighters. Conor McGregor had the right idea when he stated he will never fight in Las Vegas again or pay the fine. Nick Diaz has also never paid his fine and more fighters should ignore this corrupt group and fight elsewhere until changes are made. 

As fans of MMA and combat sports, we can help too. Let your voice be heard and contact the NSAC about their transgressions and don't go to Vegas for fights. Hitting these fools in the pocket books is the only thing they will listen to. 

"These warriors fight for us, now we must fight for them!" -MMAFO

Please get in contact with the NSAC and voice your displeasure.

555 E. Washington Ave, Suite 3200
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Phone (702) 486-2575
Fax     (702) 486-2577


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